8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Good Database

Businesses must have databases to cater to their marketing needs. Well-built databases not only help the business to keep general records of the customers of the business but also unfold a host of benefits. Database marketing if done strategically can help the business yield huge rewards out of it.

Here are some of the benefits businesses can achieve through marketing databases:

1. You’ll Have No Problem Receiving Customer Messages

There are about 3.6 billion email users, according to Radicati Group. That’s more than half of the Earth’s surface. By 2022, that figure will have risen to 4.2 billion!

Furthermore, at least 91 percent of consumers check their email at least once a day, according to research. It’s possible to go days without checking your social media accounts. These figures are part of the reason why sensible businesses should create an email database.

Your words are delivered directly to someone’s mailbox when you send an email. Your customer, on the other hand, is considerably more likely to miss your update in their feed owing to the nature of social media.

2. Get Visitors to Come Back

It’s a frightening but genuine fact:

More than 70% of visitors who leave your website never return. Take a peek at your Google Analytics and see what percentage of new vs returning visitors you have.

And the people who come to your site are valued. They’ve found their way to your website from all around the world. What you don’t want to do is miss out on the opportunity to convert a casual web surfer into a regular visitor.

When people see an email from you in their inbox, they are considerably more inclined to return to your website. With another terrific post, a well-written announcement, or a unique promotion, you may entice them back.

3. Email Is a Private Matter

Isn’t it true that an email that begins with your name piques your curiosity more?

Personalization elevates your email marketing from mediocre to outstanding. Don’t let personalization cost you money. To assist you boost your sales, check out our sister site’s article with e-commerce personalization examples.

Of course, email marketing systems like Constant Contact and Drip allow you to customize your messages to your email database.

Furthermore, email is a very direct medium. Every person on your mailing database receives an email in the same way that they would get a piece of mail. It’s a very different experience than seeing a message in a newsfeed as it scrolls by.

4. Email Databases are Extremely Valuable to Large Corporations

Take a page from the world’s most successful firms’ digital marketing playbook. They spend a lot of money on marketing initiatives solely to attract people to join their email database.

Consider the last time you went shopping for clothing, shoes, or jewelry over the internet. Most likely, they requested your email address.

These huge firms are savvy to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms to grow an email database. They put so much effort into growing their email databases because the returns have been phenomenal.

They understand that email databases are extremely valuable, and that creating an email database can assist increase revenue. Large corporations recognize that email databases are excellent long-term investments with great returns at low expenses.

Even social networking firms recognize the importance of sending messages to their email databases:


Source: WPForms

5. You’ll Be Able to Earn More Money

Consider each of your website visitors to be a lead. Isn’t it logical to ask for their contact information so you may follow up with them?

Because they’re on your site, you already know they’re interested in your niche. Subscribers are far more likely to become buyers as a result of this. You know these people are already interested in what you’re selling because they joined your email database through your website.

Your subscribers have worked hard to get a response from you!

Furthermore, because email marketing has a 4300 percent average return on investment, it is extremely cost effective.

6. Email Establishes Credibility

Emailing your customers establishes a level of trust between you and them.

When someone reads one of your emails, they do it in the privacy of their own mailbox. It’s not a billboard or a social media timeline with a public statement. It’s a more personal manner of communicating.

Customers can confidently ask you questions by replying to your message because email databases make them feel like they’re part of a private conversation. This aids in the development of trust and a bond.

7. Your Email Database is Yours to Keep

When it comes to your online business, your email database is the only thing you have control over aside from your website.

For example, you may have thousands of Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn followers, but those followers are actually employees of those organizations.

However, one of the most significant advantages of establishing an email database is that it is entirely yours.

Of course, you have no control over when a social media platform’s policies change. These modifications may have an impact on your efforts. Taking full control of your subscriber database and concentrating on growing your email database is a wise business decision.

8. Ability to Reach Across Devices

Many customers, affiliate marketers, and business owners now explore the Internet on their cellphones. Does email marketing help you reach these users as a result of this? Yes, it’s a resounding yes!

According to a Pew Research Center analysis, 52 percent of smartphone users in the United States use their phones to check their email. Given that almost every customer owns a smartphone, you can be confident that this subset is sizable. When you can reach out to this group, your chances of operating a successful email marketing campaign skyrocket. One of the main reasons why email marketing is so successful is because of this.


It is clear that a marketing database is a huge asset for a marketing company. Customer information becomes more accessible and easier to use. The fact that it aids in ascertaining consumer behavior enables the organization in future campaigns and other marketing endeavors. Databases are capable of generating leads fast thereby increasing the chances of conversion.

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