Top 10 Fortune 500 Companies That Use Salesforce

What is Salesforce CRM? 

Salesforce is one of the reputed cloud-based software companies that is known for its CRM products for various fields like Sales, Marketing, Operations, Commerce, IT Teams, etc.

Salesforce CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is effectively helping various industries and businesses store and manage their data.

Let us discover more about the benefits of using Salesforce CRM, and which are the top USA companies that are using Salesforce CRM.

Sl. No

Name & Country of the Company


1. US Bank, USA $22 Billion
2. Amazon Web Services, USA $28 Billion
3. Macy’s, USA $26 Billion
4. American Express, USA $53 Billion
5. T Mobile, USA $80 Billion
6. The American Red Cross, USA $2 Billion
7. NBC Universal, USA $26 Billion
8. The Hershey Company, USA $9 Billion
9. The New York Post, USA $160 Million
10. Mc Donald’s, USA $23.2 Billion


Benefits of Using Salesforce CRM 

Benefits of Using Salesforce CRM

  1. Streamlined Collaborations between Multiple Departments

Sales outreach and marketing processes are dependent on each other’s data and metrics. Salesforce CRM streamlines collaborations with other departments that rely on data.

When the marketing and sales departments collaborate for campaigns, it is obvious that each of the sales and marketing stages requires segregated data (segregation according to preferences and buying stage). Manually tracking and identifying the customer’s journey in the sales pipeline is not possible when companies deal with thousands of sales leads.

Salesforce CRM provides comprehensive data where all the departments like marketing, sales, and commerce can easily collaborate and access the same data.

  1. Centralized and Easy-to-Access Customer Data 

One major advantage of the Salesforce CRM is that every data collected for various goals and objectives can be stored and accessed in one place.

For instance, data like purchase history, contact information, email addresses, preferences, buying stage, and other categories can be taken from a single source. This improves operational efficiency among various departments and mitigates the chances of using incorrect or non–relevant data.

  1. Proactive Customer Service & Automation

The ultimate pathway to customer satisfaction is being available to answer their queries 24/7. CRM tools enable organizations to track and manage customer interactions on various platforms simultaneously.

For instance, CRM tools are capable of answering different queries on different platforms at the same time. This includes interactions by phone, live chat, virtual help desks, social media queries, inquiry submissions, etc.

CRM tools proactively answer customer queries and are capable of providing consistent customer support, resolving issues efficiently without the need for human intervention, and providing a seamless customer experience.

  1. Advanced Dashboard Customization 

Marketing and sales strategies need diversified data from various resources and it gets difficult to manually analyze and segregate huge amounts of data.

  • But CRM tools provide customized dashboards as per the needs using various formats like graphs, charts, stats, tables, etc.
  • Also, marketers can drill down the information by using categories like names, regions, frequent buyers, date and day, previous campaigns, etc.
  • Another major feature of CRM is that organizations can utilize role-based customization. This provides an automated dashboard as per the different roles and responsibilities of the resources.
  • CRM tools also enable data integration with other platforms such as social media analytics, financial systems, and other platforms depending on the industry and needs of the organization.
  1. Reporting and Data Analysis 

CRM tools are an excellent resource to analyze and report vast amounts of raw data into meaningful information. CRM tools are useful in segregating customer data, analyzing trends and patterns, and extracting useful information.

Also, CRM tools help organizations with pre-built data analyzing templates that enable businesses to create customizable reports as per the goals and objectives of various marketing and sales outreach programs.

Organizations can create a report and analyze the data based on various factors like location, history, age, gender, occupation, online behavior, etc.

How to Find a Database of Companies that Use Salesforce? 

Database of Companies that Use Salesforce

Do you think your target audience is as same as the Salesforce CRM users? Do you want to use the Salesforce CRM user database to bring potential to your businesses?

Also read: Companies Using Salesforce CRM in Different Industries

Below are a few ways to find a database of the companies that use Salesforce CRM.

  1. Salesforce Testimonials and Customer Stories

One of the basic and easily accessible sources to find out about companies that use Salesforce CRM is to check the Salesforce official testimonials and customer success stories on their website.

Salesforce regularly publishes success stories and case studies of its customers from different industries who adopted their CRM.

  1. Social media and Networking Platforms

Social media handles and other networking platforms like LinkedIn provide information about the companies. Organizations can explore these networking platforms, and search for the company profiles within their target industry or region as companies mention the technologies they use including CRM tools.

Also, one can get the website address through company profiles and search the respective company websites to check if they use Salesforce CRM.

  1.  Third-party CRM Data Providers  

Many vendors provide data to Salesforce CRM users just like other databases. Practically, collecting data from vendors is one of the quickest yet most effective solutions to enhance your target audience database.

Other solutions above provide a limited number of data but a huge amount of data collection requires double the time and effort of your resources. Segregating it based on industries and filtering out the data is another daunting task.

Hence, if you are looking for a customer list that uses Salesforce CRM, collecting the data from third-party CRM data vendors is one of the cost-effective and easy solutions.


Salesforce users CRM list

Do you think the above benefits of having a Salesforce CRM user’s database will benefit your organization and its products too? Also, do you think that using the manual data collection method does not fit your time and requirements?

Span Global has assisted with the Salesforce users CRM list for companies from different industries. Span Global has empowered organizations with clean, accurate, and updated data that helped organizations to effectively reach out to the target audience. If you are an organization that is looking for the Salesforce CRM users list and wants to access all the above benefits, look no further and reach out to us now!

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