The Role of Email Personalization in Improving Open and Click-Through Rates

There are more than 4 billion active email users worldwide, and they send around 350 billion emails daily. That is why email marketing continues to be relevant among the channels like social media, websites, and content.

But with an average person receiving hundreds of emails every day, campaigns are plagued with poor metrics like low email open rates and click-through rates. That is where email personalization shines.

Let us understand in this blog what email personalization is and how it can help improve your next campaign’s email open rate and click-through rates.

What is Email Personalization?

Email personalization is a marketing strategy that allows marketers to offer their subscribers emails specifically tailored to each subscriber’s interests, needs, and wants. The purpose of providing audiences with a personalized experience through emails is to encourage interaction with emails and make it eventful.

Email marketing personalization enables marketers to target specific subscribers with special offers, relevant content, and essential information. As a result, they are more likely to consume the email’s content and perform desired actions, like clicking on the CTA, filling out a form, or making a purchase.

Marketers achieve personalization in their email marketing by using subscriber data. Most email marketing campaigns use data like name, age, gender, location, profession, and more. In addition, marketers use dynamic templates to create tailored campaigns that show content relevant to each recipient. So even when a company sends emails in bulk, every subscriber has a unique experience when they open the email.

What are Some Benefits of Personalization in Email Marketing?

Benefits of Personalization in Email Marketing

Here are some benefits that businesses using personalized email campaigns enjoy:

1. High Email Open Rates

If you want to grow your business with email marketing, first, you need to get recipients to open your email. Marketers who have been doing email campaigns know how difficult it can be to do so. But when done right, personalized campaigns can increase email open rate by over 25%.

2. Better Click through Rate  

Click-through rate is an important marketing metric whether your run campaigns are via PPC, social media, or email. CTR shows the effectiveness of your email’s content in getting subscribers to click through to your website. According to a report, personalization of emails can boost CTR by about 140%.

3. Increase Conversions

Email marketing personalization not only increases engagement on your emails by improving your campaigns’ email open rates but also helps convert your subscribers into paying customers. Sending targeted offers, product recommendations, and personalized CTAs increases the chances of your audiences making a purchase. Research shows email campaigns that serve content relevant to recipients generate about 5 times more revenue than regular emails.

4. Improved Customer Loyalty

Email personalization helps you build and strengthen customer relationships one email at a time. When you tailor content to your audience’s taste, you make them feel valued. Better customer experience leads to improved customer loyalty for the brand. And your email campaigns bring you more conversions and repeat business.

How to Do Email Personalization the Right Way?

Do Email Personalization the Right Way

Email marketing personalization helps you improve engagement, drive conversions, and grow your business but only when you do it correctly. Here are some techniques that you must employ when personalizing your email campaigns:

1. Collect Accurate Data

The success of your personalized email marketing campaigns depends on the accuracy of the email list you use. If you use old or bad data, your emails will not resonate with the target audience. So, before personalizing your emails, ensure your email list is up-to-date and accurate.

Most marketers use subscription forms to collect data from their audiences. But it is essential to carefully design the forms to carry all necessary questions without being intrusive. Also, you can do more than just ask for an email address. You can add to your form fields like name, location, birthday, etc.

However, if you were to provide a hyper-tailored experience to your subscribers, you must also collect data through browser tracking. For example, you can use cookies when customers visit your website to track their behavior. And then, you can push targeted campaigns like cross-selling similar products or send “complete your purchase” emails when customers abandon the cart.

2. Segment Your Audience

Audience segmentation is a proven tactic to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. It is a simple process of grouping together customers that have similar characteristics. These similarities could be their location, age, gender, interests, etc. As a result, you get more refined target groups, and personalizing email content becomes easier.

3. Personalize the Subject Line and Sender Field

The subject line is the first element recipients notice when they receive your emails. A generic subject line will not cut if you want good email-open rates from your campaigns. Research shows that emails with personalized email subject lines have higher email open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Besides modifying the subject line, brands are also moving away from using a company name as the sender. Instead, they use a real human name, so email becomes like a person-to-person interaction which is more effective.

4. Use Dynamic Email Templates

Email templates come in handy when creating campaigns on a large scale. However, standard templates are too rigid for delivering a tailored experience to your audiences. Instead, use templates with dynamic fields for images, text, and CTAs. It allows you to keep your brand design consistent while adding personalized elements that change depending on the recipient.

5. Automate Email Marketing 

At last, you should invest in email automation if you have not already. Besides using data to segment your audience and personalize emails, how timely you send those emails drastically boosts email open rate and CTR.

You can improve conversions and grow your business by sending automated personalized emails at the right time. For instance, you can trigger cart abandonment emails whenever a customer leaves the cart mid-way.

Wrapping Up

Email personalization techniques

Email personalization is an excellent tactic for marketers to engage with their audience and drive sales. Using the techniques mentioned in this blog, you can tailor your campaigns to meet the taste of your audiences. Start with an accurate email list, segment your audience, and personalize the subject line and email content, and your campaigns will see better email open and click-through rates.

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