Your Trusted & Certified Outsourcing Partners

1 Million+ Sq.Ft of Hosting Space

24x7x365 Business Support

Specialized Talent On-Demand
Avail VOIP Phone and Conferencing Solutions & Web Hosting Solutions at a Substantially Lower Cost
Make Windfall Gains Against Your Present Vendors Who Are Keen To Service Only Bigger Accounts
Remotely Support Your Workforce With Virtual Desktops and Accessible Business Critical Data & Apps
Experience Outsourcing That Powers Remote Branches And Workforce
Your Offsite IT Team Members Are Here To Support You Any Time, Anywhere
IT Infra & Tech Support
Work From Home Support | Offsite Data Center |
Remote IT Monitoring | IT Workload Management |
Remote Business Support
Remote Desktop-as-a-Service | Centralized IT Operations |
Remote Office Apps | Private Cloud On-Demand |
Centralized IT Management
Consolidated Workloads | No Costly Upgrades |
Assured Data Protection | Skilled Offsite Resources |

Get Access To Millions of Verified B2B Contacts
Run your outsourcing pilot with us and get free trial sales data to double your ROI.
Don’t Let Disruptions Impair Business Continuity
Go expand your footprint with a global and virtually available off-site team.
Outsourcing Decision Guide
A Three-Point Guide Towards Your Offsite Handover
Step 1: Identify strategic IT tasks
Assess your role in executing the task and what support you would require from offsite team members.
Ask our offsite team experts to present an analysis of the offsite team size that you need.
Step 2: Find work-ready IT talent
Analyze the essential talent that you would need and if it can be performed by specialized offsite talent.
Ask our offsite team experts to present an analysis of the workloads you can move offsite.
Step 3: Deploy IT off-site team
Add a pilot offsite team to run a new project and achieve greater performance while driving down costs.
Ask our offsite team experts to operationalize tasks with achievable growth figures.
Discover How IT Outsourcing Can Make Disruption Invisible
Find Out If You Are Ready For The Never Normal World
Leadership Onshore
Everything Else Offshore
Understand how much Capex and Opex you actually need to drive growth with offsite to match your budgets and future vision.
How to Reduce Your Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO)
Match your current and future growth plans with outsourced data center & IT.
Move specialized business support as well as sales & marketing operations offsite.
Manage every unforeseen spike and uncertainty with continuous support.
Business Outsourcing
Cost Calculator
Our IT Outsourcing Experts will help you find answers to the following: