Middle East Business Executives List

Insights we have compiled data of Middle East

Middle East C-Level Executives List CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, CAOs, CSOs, CMDs
Middle East CVDs and Decision Makers President, VPs, Directors, Managing Directors, AVPs
Middle East Professionals List Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Academicians, Librarians, HR Managers, Event Organizers and more
Middle East Industries Executives List Information Technology, BFSI, Healthcare, Legal, Real Estate, Construction, Oil and Gas, Travel and Tourism, Education, Hospitality, Retail, Manufacturing, Automotive, Transportation, Mining, Telecommunication, Business Services, Media & Entertainment, Life Sciences, Consulting, Pharmaceuticals, Semiconductor, Agriculture and more
Middle East Technology Users List ERP, CRM, SCM, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, Microsoft, Adobe, JD Edwards, People Soft SugarCRM, Lawson, 3COM, AS400, Siebel CRM, Quickbooks, Linux, .NET, and more
Middle East Healthcare Professionals List Physicians, Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, Pathologists, Pharmacist, Gynaecologists, Neurologists, Dentists, Orthopaedists, Psychiatrists and more
Middle East Industry List Large Shipping, Realestate, Banking & Finance, Manufaturers, Chemical, Cement, Supply Chain, Agriculture, Insurance and more


We have got you covered on all your email and direct marketing needs

Segmentation of Contacts by Job Role

Job Roles Email Phone & Direct Mail
Engineering 327,909 2,392,276
Finance 307,433 2,242,073
HR 189,543 1,380,746
IT 329,676 2,403,715
Legal 152,309 1,114,777
Marketing 198,783 1,450,387
Media & Communication 237,705 1,733,791
Operations 937,142 6,843,327
Product Management 35,582 262,671
Program & Project Management 195,159 1,426,123
Purchasing 41,824 304,591
Quality Assurance 71,451 520,139
Real Estate 142,048 1,039,147
Research 198,174 1,448,136
Sales / Business Development 782,909 5,714,508
Senior Management 1,334,767 9,742,340
Total 5,482,414 40,018,747

Segmentation of Contacts by Industry

Job Roles Email Phone & Direct Mail
Business Services 124,226 905,392
Automotive 50,124 368,096
Banking & Financial Services 128,922 939,677
Media & Publishing 41,912 303,040
Information Technology 245,648 1,794,697
Construction 142,593 1,038,743
Consumer Goods & Services 110,509 805,258
Manufacturing 148,133 1,080,645
Government 97,894 715,359
Education 97,604 711,054
Healthcare 252,931 1,845,673
Hospitality & Travel 48,176 350,955
Human Resources 28,468 209,280
Industrial Automation 6,979 48,761
Insurance 55,452 402,617
Investment Banking & Venture Capital 19,013 140,9853
Law Practice & Legal Services 64,199 470,849
Supply Chain & Logistics 61,248 444,924
Marketing & Advertising 40,300 292,735
Mining & Metals 8,205 58,437
Nonprofit Organization Management 40,060 293,903
Oil & Energy & Renewables & Environment & Utilities 62,489 458,366
Pharmaceuticals 27,904 201,510
Public Relations & Communications 16,111 116,8873
Real Estate 86,098 629,250
Research 26,236 192,990
Retail 150,650 1,101,936
Telecommunications & Wireless 44,941 327,341
Warehousing 9,905 71,578
Wholesale 15,885 115,234
Total 2,252,815 16,436,172

Middle East Business Mailing List

Boost Sales with Middle East B2B Executives Business Mailing List

Our database experts have researched and compiled exhaustive lists of business executives in Middle East. We have over 15 million executives’ contacts of executives based out of Middle East. Our Middle East executives’ have enabled our clients receive high response rates and market their products effectively without considering geographical barriers.

Our Middle East databases are also segmented according to their local zip codes. The data bases have over 30 million contacts. These lists come handy when your product caters to the businesses of a particular region. You can find executives by their home state, zip code etc.

Such databases contain fields such as:

  • Full name
  • Mailing address
  • City & state
  • Email address
  • Phone number etc.....

We are among the front runners in possessing the most updated contacts of prospective customers and business technology users. The fields covered by Span Global Services include complete contact details like

Categories for list segmentation Include

Title Name
Email Address Employees Size
Country Revenue Size
Phone, Mobile and Fax State, City, Zip Code
Website Business contact number
Industry SIC & NAICS Code
Company Name And more…


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